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Scouting is about fun, active learning, and outdoor adventures, all under the watchful eye of trained, adult leaders who serve as role models to guide our youth as they grow into young adults. The aims of Scouting center around character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. The outdoors are a central part of our methods to deliver the Scouting program in a way that motivates, inspires, and engages youth members.

The Black Warrior Council has Cub Scout Packs, Scout Troops, Venturing Crews, and Explorer Posts throughout our twelve counties (Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Hale, Pickens, Walker, Winston, Fayette, Sumter, Lamar, Marion, Marengo, and Greene). Youth may join Scouting any time throughout the year, so why wait? Join in the fun, join in the adventure, get started today in a Scouting unit in your area! 



Order of the Arrow

Indian Winter

February 21-23

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Cub Scouts Shooting

Sports Day

February 22nd

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Skilled Trades MB Day has had to be postponed! It will be rescheduled soon and we will notify all who have signed up and others wishing to participate may have an opportunity to register.


OA Annual Banquet

Pinewood Derby: March 8

Mountain District Banquet: March 13

Mountain District Cammporee: March 14-16

Prairie District Camporee: March 14-16

Air Conditioned
Dining Hall



Thanks to a generous gift from the Pass Family and contributions from several others, we are thrilled to share an exciting update for Summer Camp 2025! To make your camp experience even more enjoyable, we are adding air conditioning to our dining hall. Whether you’re seeking a break from the summer heat or just looking forward to a more comfortable mealtime environment, our new cooling system will help ensure everyone stays refreshed and ready for adventure.


Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Comfortable Mealtimes: Enjoy your meals in a cool, relaxing setting, no matter how high the temperatures climb outside.

  • Enhanced Camp Experience: A cooler space to gather, connect, and recharge during your busy camp schedule.

We can’t wait to welcome you to this upgraded facility next summer. Be sure to share this exciting news with your fellow Scouts and leaders as you prepare for an unforgettable camp experience.

Wood Badge Staff Applications Sought

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Wood Badge Course Number 14-006-26-1 will be offered in the Black Warrior Council in 2026 over two weekends (February 20-22 and March 7-8). Wood Badge is the premier training for adult leaders in all program levels. Mr. Charlie Plasters will serve as the Course Director/Scoutmaster. At this time, applications for staff positions are being accepted. If you have an interest in being considered, complete the application and submit to the Scout Service Center NO LATER than March 23, 2025!


Click here to download a copy of the Wood Badge Staff Applicaton.

In 2017, Hazardous Weather Training was made mandatory as part of Scouting America's ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our members and youth. The training is designed to equip leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle adverse weather conditions, thereby enhancing our preparedness and response capabilities during scouting activities. Please reference the S.A.F.E checklist for all activities. To learn more about safety training, please visit the Health and Safety website.

Hazardous Weather Training

2025 Updates to Merit Badge Req.

Unit leaders and all merit badge counselors need to be aware and be sure that only the current merit badge requirements are being used. If a Scout started a merit badge before the end of 2024,, he/she may complete the badge using the previous requirements. Otherwise, current requirements must be followed. Follow this link to Scouting's webpage with all current requirements.

ALSO, remember that ALL merit badge counselors must be approved by the Council. Anyone, including a unit leader must be approved as a merit badge counselor in order for to serve in that capacity. A "Merit Badge Counselor Application" must be submitted.

Camp Horne Staff Applications Sought

Scouts who are 15 years of age or older are encouraged to consider applying for a position on the Camp Horne Summer Camp Staff. Scouts who are 14 years of age may apply as a Counselor-in-Training (CIT) position. There are several positions to be filled, including the commissary, aquatics, scouts skills, ecology, shooting sports, and more. Interested Scouts need to download and carefully read the Camp Horne Staff Application. Any questions may be directed to: Dr. Wayne "Sleepy" Harris.

The camp staff experience is one of a lifetime as Scouts learn great responsibility, form lasting friendships, and have the opportunity to give back to younger Scouts what they learned from others before them. 


National Jamboree
in 2026

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The BSA National Jamboree is a gathering, or jamboree, of thousands of members of the Boy Scouts of America, usually held every four years and organized by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Referred to as “the Jamboree”, “Jambo”, or NSJ, Scouts from all over the nation and world have the opportunity to attend. The BSA National Jamboree is held at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Wild & Wonderful West Virginia.  About the Summit: Situated in the wilds of West Virginia, The Summit is a training, Scouting, and adventure center for the millions of youth and adults involved in the Boy Scouts of America and anyone who loves the outdoors. The Summit Bechtel Reserve is also home to the National Scout Jamboree and the Paul R. Christen National High Adventure Base which complements the three existing bases: Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier and Florida Sea Base.

The Black Warrior Council will offer a Council contingent with information publicized soon. A minimum number of Scouts must register in order for the contingent to go forward. For now, visit the National Jamboree website for more information!

Guide to Advancement Updated

FROM Aaron on the full article here.

The Guide to Advancement 2025, the latest version of the one true official source for all things related to advancement in every Scouting America program, has just been released. You can download a PDF here. As with every previous revision of this important document, all the changes were made based on feedback from volunteers from across the country, along with the help of a team of more than 20 people from across the Scouting spectrum tasked with identifying the most important issues.

“There are two things we were hoping to accomplish,” says Lisa Balbes, advancement lead for the Scouts BSA Committee. “One was bringing things up to date, and the other was clarifying things that were being misinterpreted.”


Click on Program Logo for more information.

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Cub Scouts

Grades K - 5

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Scouts BSA

Ages 11-17

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Ages 14-20

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Ages 14-20

Thank You for your Support of Scouting

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Black Warrior Council, BSA

2700 Jack Warner Parkway NE

Tuscaloosa, AL 35404

(205) 554-1680

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